


Pursuant to Sec. 72.155 of the Texas Government Code, “… Only an authorized user (court clerk), the attorney general, a district attorney, a criminal district attorney, a county attorney, a municipal attorney, or a peace officer may access information under the registry. “ For security and data integrity purposes, OCA requires that the heads of these agencies and terminal agency coordinators manage the users from their respective agencies, including granting access to the system.

For Agency Heads and Terminal Agency Coordinators, you are designated as a RESTRICTED USER and you may have already been uploaded into the system with protective order user rights.

For other staff members, please request access directly from the head of your agency or your Terminal Agency Coordinator. You will get access to the system only when he/she has added you as a user.

If you are a Restricted User who currently does not have access to the Protective Order Registry you may request access by emailing the following information to OCA-LegalSupport@txcourts.gov :

  • First Name, Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Email and Phone Number
  • Agency Name
  • City and County OR Jurisdiction

Job Role:

  • Attorney General
  • District Attorney
  • Criminal District Attorney
  • County Attorney
  • Appointed City Attorney
  • Peace Officer as defined by Tex. Code Crim Proc. Art. 2.12
  • Other: please describe ______________________

Are you the head of your agency or the Terminal Agency Coordinator (law enforcement) of your agency?

If neither of the above, please give the name and contact information for head of your agency or the TAC for your agency.

Once submitted, OCA will review and inform you of whether you have been granted access. If granted, you will receive login instructions and next steps.