
Texas Office of Court Administration

Protective Order Registry Restricted User Instructions

You have been added as a Restricted User to the Protective Order Registry

If you need to give rights to additional users from your agency, please do NOT have them contact OCA. You can add additional users for your agency.

Getting Started:

Please use the Chrome browser to access the Registry website.

Go to the PROTECT Login Page, enter your email address, and within a few minutes a link will be sent to that address. If you do not receive an email, contact OCA-LegalSupport@txcourts.gov and provide the following information:

  • First Name, Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Email and Phone Number
  • Agency Name
  • City and County OR Jurisdiction
  • Job Role:
    • Attorney General
    • District Attorney
    • Criminal District Attorney
    • County Attorney
    • Appointed City Attorney
    • Peace Officer as defined by Tex. Code Crim Proc. Art. 2.12
    • Other: please describe ______________________
  • Are you the head of your agency or the Terminal Agency Coordinator (law enforcement) of your agency?
    • If not, please give the name and contact information for head of your agency or the TAC for your agency

Once submitted, OCA will review and inform you of whether you have been granted access. You will also receive login instructions and next steps.

Logging and edit user

Step 1:

When you receive the following email from No.Reply@txcourts.gov , click on the blue Sign In button:


If it does not work, follow the instructions under the button. It is still does not work, contact OCA-LegalSupport@txcourts.gov for assistance. See also FAQs.

Step 2:

If it does work, you should see the following screen:


Step 3:

Once you are in the Registry, click the person icon in the top right of the screen next to your name. Search for yourself. When you find the line with your name, click Edit.


Step 4:

As the initial user for your agency, make sure both of the following boxes are checked:

  • View Protective Orders
  • Manage User Rights

Then click Save.


To add additional users from agency

Step 1:

You can add another User by clicking the blue Add User button on the left


Step 2:

On the next screen, enter the User’s first name, last name, and email address in the provided fields as shown below. Check the box next to your User Organization, along with whatever User Account Rights you want that person to have.
For example, if you want them to be able to search for protective orders, check the box “View Protective Orders”. If you also want them to be able to add other users, check the box “Manage Users.”


NOTE: For security purposes, public domain email addresses (gmail, yahoo, etc.) will not be allowed to be entered into the Registry.

Accessing the Protective Order Registry

Step 1:

To Search:

Go to the Protective Orders tab to see the search fields.


The list below the search fields will populate as you type.

Step 2:

When you find a record you want to view, click View on the right-hand side of the listing.


Step 3:

The next screen will have the protective order details: type of PO, county, court, Respondent’ information, Protected Person information, application details, details of the order(s), and links to images of the orders.

Scroll to "Documents"

Then click View to see a pdf of the document


Still have questions ?

Contact OCA at OCA-LegalSupport@txcourts.gov.